Sonny & Buddy
6 & 7 year old grade Haflinger geldings
13 hands
Short, stout, and willing!
** Available single or as a team **
Sonny & Buddy
6 & 7 year old grade Haflinger geldings
13 hands
Short, stout, and willing!
** Available single or as a team **
4 different aged children (from 1 family) have ridden them! They ride and drive (single and double).
Check out this video of the boys DRIVING together - CLICK HERE
After a drive we decided to take a RIDE on the team. CLICK HERE to watch a video of mostly my 8 year old grandson riding Buddy & Sonny on harness. You'll also catch some footage of both of our grandsons leading the team to the pasture.
My husband was leading the boys from the pasture and I decided to take a quick video - definitely not planned and the trailer was not ready for them but they loaded just fine. CLICK HERE to watch it. Easy going guys!
CLICK HERE to watch a video of Buddy DRIVING single from early August.
Here's a short little RIDING video of Buddy- CLICK HERE to view.

Ready to go down the BIG hill!!!

Coming home...