2017 AHR Geldings Noble & Newt
14.1 and 14.2 hands
These 3 year old geldings are available as INDIVIDUALS or a TEAM.
These guys have super pleasant dispositions and their driving training is quite remarkable!
These geldings are currently being ridden at 2 separate places.They will be at
Salt Fork State Park in early August! New pictures and videos will be posted.
Newt and Noble were driven in a 4th of July parade and they did excellent! CLICK HERE to watch the video from the parade. As you know, there's lots of different noises and activities associated with a parade. We were so pleased with them - it made for such a special day for us!!!
These boys drive single and double! CLICK HERE to watch a video of them DRIVING double from mid-June.
Call us for a package deal for the Haflingers, wagon(this wagon has sold) and harness.
A covered wagon is available for purchase now!
2017 AHR Geldings Noble & Newt
14.1 and 14.2 hands
These 3 year old geldings are available as INDIVIDUALS or a TEAM.
These guys have super pleasant dispositions and their driving training is quite remarkable!
These geldings are currently being ridden at 2 separate places.They will be at
Salt Fork State Park in early August! New pictures and videos will be posted.
Newt and Noble were driven in a 4th of July parade and they did excellent! CLICK HERE to watch the video from the parade. As you know, there's lots of different noises and activities associated with a parade. We were so pleased with them - it made for such a special day for us!!!
These boys drive single and double! CLICK HERE to watch a video of them DRIVING double from mid-June.
Call us for a package deal for the Haflingers, wagon(this wagon has sold) and harness.
A covered wagon is available for purchase now!

Ready for the shade!